Thursday, June 11, 2009

assignment 4

10 sys (" /c cls")
11 print " what grade are you in?"
12 input num1
13 if (num1)= 9 then goto 40
15 if (num1)= 10 then goto 60
17 if (num1)= 11 then goto 80
19 if (num1)= 12 then goto 100
20 if (num1)> 12 then goto 120
30 if (num1)< 9 then goto 140
40 print " freshmen? sucks to be you right now"
50 goto 160
60 print " sophmore? have fun"
70 goto 160
80 print " junior? you have so much to do"
90 goto 160
100 print " senior? have fun!!!"
110 goto 160
120 print "sorry, cant tell you"
130 goto 160
140 print "sorry, i dont know what grade your in"
150 goto 160
160 end

assignment 3

10 sys (" /c cls")
11 print " what grade are you in?"
12 input num1
13 if (num1)= 9 then goto 40
15 if (num1)= 10 then goto 60
17 if (num1)= 11 then goto 80
19 if (num1)= 12 then goto 100
40 print " freshmen? sucks to be you right now"
50 goto 160
60 print " sophmore? have fun"
70 goto 160
80 print " junior? you have so much to do"
90 goto 160
100 print " senior? have fun!!!"
110 goto 160
160 end

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Basic IF

the if statement tells you if your statement is wrong or right

it can be use as a calculator

the guessing my number tells you if you have guessed a number right and if you guessed wrong then you have to keep guessing.

10 sys (" /c cls")
12 print "guess a number from 1-10"
14 input num1
20 IF (num1) = 9 THEN GOTO 50
30 PRINT " tight"
40 GOTO 60
50 PRINT " you got lucky "
60 end

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Slide Sorter view

shows the slide thumbnails in a horizontal view

Slide Show view

allows you to show your presentation on full view and lets you present it

Slide layout

show you the different kind of placement of your slide

Slide Finder

helps you find the slide of your selection